Claiming Data Breach Compensation For Council Data Breaches

Welcome to this guide on claiming data breach compensation for council data breaches. Data breaches can be a nightmare for anyone who values their privacy and security. Unfortunately, they are becoming increasingly common, and councils are not immune to them. In fact, councils hold a vast amount of sensitive personal data, which means they are an attractive target for cybercriminals. As a result, data breaches in local councils are a growing concern, and they can have severe consequences for both employees and members of the public.

A data breach can occur in many ways, from a simple human error to a sophisticated cyberattack. For example, an employee could accidentally send an email containing sensitive information to the wrong person, or a hacker could exploit a vulnerability in the council’s IT systems to gain access to confidential data. The consequences of a data breach can be devastating for those affected, including financial loss, identity theft, emotional distress, and reputational damage.

data breach compensation for council data breachesIf you have been affected by a data breach in a council, you may be entitled to claim compensation. However, the process can be complicated, and it’s essential to understand your rights and the legal framework surrounding data breach compensation in the UK. This guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive overview of claiming data breach compensation for council data breaches, including what constitutes a data breach, how to assess the harm caused, and how to start a claim.

If you have any questions after reading this guide or want to start a claim, it’s crucial to get in touch with an advisor who can help you navigate the process and maximise your chances of success.

What Constitutes A Council Data Breach?

A data breach in a local authority or council could take many different forms. For example, it could involve the accidental loss or theft of sensitive information, the unauthorised access of data by a third party, or the failure to secure data properly. These breaches can impact a range of people, including council employees, contractors, suppliers, and members of the public who have interacted with the council.

If you have been impacted by a data breach in a council or local authority, you may be eligible to claim compensation. To do so, you must be able to demonstrate that the breach caused you harm or distress. The harm could be financial, such as a loss of earnings or identity theft, or it could be emotional, such as anxiety, stress, or embarrassment.

Who Could Be Eligible For Data Breach Compensation For Council Data Breaches?

To claim compensation for a data breach in the UK, you must meet certain eligibility criteria. For example, the breach must have occurred due to wrongdoing by the data controller, and you must be able to provide evidence that the breach caused you harm or distress. Local councils have data protection obligations under the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act. Should they wrongfully act and breach their obligations, exposing your data and harming you, you could be eligible to claim.

It’s worth noting that there is a time limit for making a claim. While this is typically six years from the date of the breach and is governed by the Limitation Act 1980, claims against public bodies may only have a time limit of a year. As such, it’s essential to act quickly and seek legal advice if you believe you have a claim for data breach compensation.

Examples Of Types Of Council and Local Authority Data Breaches

Data breaches in councils and local authorities can happen in many ways, and it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks to protect yourself and your personal data. Here are four hypothetical examples of how data breaches in the council or local authority could happen:

  1. An employee leaves confidential documents containing personal data in a public place, such as a café or train station, by mistake. Anyone who comes across the documents could access the information and use it for fraudulent purposes.
  2. A local council stores personal data in an unsecured location, such as an unlocked filing cabinet, and an intruder gains access to the data. They could steal the data and sell it on the black market or use it for identity theft.
  3. A council employee opens an email attachment from an unknown sender, which contains malware that infects the council’s computer systems. The malware could allow cybercriminals to access and steal confidential data stored on the council’s servers.
  4. A hacker exploits a vulnerability in the council’s IT infrastructure, such as an outdated software system, to gain unauthorised access to sensitive data. They could sell or use the data for blackmail, causing significant financial and reputational damage to the council and its stakeholders.

These examples illustrate how data breaches in councils and local authorities can occur in both physical and digital formats. It’s crucial to take steps to protect your personal data and to report any breaches promptly to the relevant authorities. If you have been affected by a data breach in a council or local authority, you may be eligible to claim compensation, and it’s essential to seek legal advice as soon as possible.

How Could Councils Protect Personal Data?

Local councils and authorities collect and process a vast amount of personal data from their employees and the general public.

To prevent data breaches, councils and local authorities must take appropriate measures to protect data. This can include regular staff training on data protection, using strong passwords and encryption, and implementing secure data storage systems.

In the event of a data breach, councils and local authorities must follow the correct procedures, including reporting the breach to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and notifying affected individuals.

What Compensation Could I Claim For A Council Data Breach?

If you have suffered harm or distress as a result of a council data breach, you may be able to claim compensation for a range of damages. These damages could include financial losses, such as the cost of rectifying any damage caused by the breach, and non-financial losses, such as anxiety, stress, and PTSD.

When it comes to non-financial losses, it can be challenging to quantify the amount of compensation that should be awarded. However, the Judicial College Guidelines provide some rough guidelines for the assessment of damages for mental distress, including PTSD. These guidelines are used by judges and lawyers to assess the appropriate level of compensation for different types of mental distress, based on the severity of the symptoms.

For example, if you have suffered from PTSD as a result of a council data breach, the Judicial College Guidelines suggest that you could receive compensation ranging from £3,950 to £100,670, depending on the severity of your symptoms and the impact on your quality of life.

It’s important to note that these guidelines are only rough estimates, and the actual amount of compensation you may receive will depend on the specific circumstances of your case. Additionally, the Judicial College Guidelines are not binding, and judges may use their discretion to award a different amount of compensation based on the evidence presented.

If you believe you have a claim for compensation following a council data breach, it’s essential to seek legal advice from a specialist data breach solicitor. They can help you assess the strength of your claim and estimate the damages you may be entitled to receive.

Make Your Claim With A No Win No Fee Solicitor

If you have suffered harm as a result of a data breach in a council or local authority, you may be eligible to claim compensation. However, the thought of paying for legal representation can be daunting, especially if you are already dealing with the financial impact of the breach.

Thankfully, many data breach solicitors offer a No Win No Fee arrangement, known as a conditional fee agreement (CFA). This means that you typically would not have to pay the solicitor for their work unless the claim resulted in compensation.

Claimants can benefit from a No Win No Fee arrangement as it provides access to legal representation without the worry of upfront costs. If your claim is successful, the solicitor will take a success fee, and you will receive the majority of the compensation awarded. The success fee for such cases is capped under the Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013.

To assess your eligibility to claim compensation under a No Win No Fee arrangement, you can speak to an advisor. They can explain the process and help you understand the strength of your claim. If you have a strong case, they can put you in touch with a data breach solicitor from our panel, who can provide further assistance.

  • Call to start a claim or get advice: 0800 408 7827
  • Use Live Chat to send a query
  • Or, fill out the contact us form.

Further Insight Into Data Breach Compensation For Council Data Breaches

UK Government – Make a complaint about local government here.

Local Government Association (LGA) – Learn more about government data protection here.

National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) –  Guidance for organisations on data protection.

Government Data Breach – Find out if you could claim here.

Accidental Data Breach Examples –  Learn about whether you could claim for a data breach that happens by accident.

Data Breach Compensation For Emotional Distress – Learn more about how to claim for psychological harm.